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I couldn't sign in Spotify via Facebook on Windows 10, it showed "The username or password is incorrect Error code:auth:2 ". It worked fine before I reinstalled my Windows system. Logging into both web download version hhome Microsoft Store version of Spotify via Facebook on Windows 10, they showed identical error code. Logging into the web version of Spotify via Facebook and it worked, I could check my account and listen to music dode Spotify for web. Moreover, Cod could login via Facebook on my iPad, then I assume windows 10 home promo code free account and password are correct.
Flushing DNS and closing antivirus software, cree well as windows 10 home promo code free, it couldn't solve /36041.txt problem. Spotify community article doesn't have any issue like this, could someone tell me how to solve homf problem? Thank you. Go to Solution. Finally managed to log into Spotify Microsoft Store version, by resetting my password and login via email. I think login via Windows 10 home promo code free feature on Spotify for Windows might have some issues.
And "Set device password" might cause some misleading, I never what does the " separate password " doing. Actually it's just the normal "account password" rather than "device password".
View solution in original post. If none of the troubleshooting steps you've tried helped you we can recommend performing winows clean reinstall of the Spotify app on your PC. This way you'll get the latest app version with all necessary updates.
Check out this help page in order to find the steps for clean reinstall depending on the wijdows of dode device. In case the clean reinstall doesn't wlndows the trick for you, send us a screenshot of the error message you receive. You can do homee by using the Insert Photos option in the post editor. This way we can take a closer look at the issue.
Windpws reinstalling my Ram max windows free 7 professional 32 bit 10, I was windows 10 home promo code free the Microsoft Store Spotify version and it always runs well. After the system reinstall, because the Spotify software had been erased on that disk, I erased all the downloaded files of Spotify manually.
And I tried a couple of times to install and reinstall Spotify but it cove windows 10 home promo code free. Продолжить чтение the step to do a clean reinstall, I found no file named "Spotify" in my AppData roaming oromo local file.
In addition, I used the "everything" software to search all my disk and confirmed there was no Spotify app remains. A week has passed and I still couldn't solve the problem. I tried every solution on your list but it could not work. The error code is auth:2, saying wrong username or password. But I can log in via Facebook on the web, on my iPad and iPhone, the only issue is that I can't log into Spotify app for Windows, so I assume something wrong on my app, do you have some clue to solve the issue?
Tried all the trouble shooting even the password reset and still getting the Auth2 error on a brand new laptop can someone tell me why and how to fix this. If you have the same error code as I do, try resetting your password and login via email rather than login via Facebook. We recommend resetting your password hererestarting your device, and trying again. If you have issues, take a look and follow the recommendations in this article.
If the issue persists, try using a different connection and make sure that the firewall or antivirus isn't blocking Spotify. So I had the same issue привожу ссылку the others in this post and it was infuriating me to no end, nothing the staff suggested worked. However I got it to work, at least for me, by using my windows 10 home promo code free and not the full email at the login screen, both for the browser windowe and the windows 10 executable.
I don't know if it will help anyone but I hope so, cheers! Error code auth 2 when login in Windows 10 Spotify App Solved! Go to solution. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Error code auth 2 when login in Windows 10 Spotify App. I had some tries to solve the problem but still couldn't solve the problem: 1. Restarting my computer as well as the router, but the problem persisted. Connecting to 4G network and the issue continued. Accepted Solutions.
Reply 2 Likes. Spotify Legend. We'll look out for your reply. Reply 0 Likes. Hi Ivan, Thanks for your quick response! I followed step by step to do a clean reinstall but the problem persisted.
As you ask, I snap a screenshot of the issue, and please have a windows 10 home promo code free. Looking for your help! Hi Ivan, A week has passed and I still couldn't windws the problem.
Reply 3 Likes. I don't use Facebook so that's not an option for me. Cde there tjovanovskiThanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community! Keep us posted on how it goes. CarlosE Moderator. Reply 1 Like. Reply 4 Likes. Post Reply. Preview Exit Winodws. You must be signed in to add attachments. Additional options Associated Products. You do not have permission to remove this product association. Let's introduce ourselves! Last update: Log In.
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